God is in control.

Today in church, my friend Gabriel shared his testimony and I thought it was pretty awesome and well-written. For some context, he got news at the start of this year that there was a benign cyst growing in his brain that was affecting his vision, so he had to go for an operation to remove it. The delicate and risky operation went successfully, and today he shared his experience.

What I thought was really good was this part of his sharing:

“…the most difficult part was not the operation itself, but the period of uncertainty when I first found out that I had a growth in my head, and not knowing what kind of growth it was. It was difficult to ask questions like ‘Would this growth be cancerous?’ and because it was affecting my vision, ‘Would I eventually go blind?’, ‘Would I require a major operation?’

… And as I prayed, 4 comforting truths came to mind, and I would like to share it with you.

Firstly, I was reminded that God who created me knows whatever is in my head better than anyone else can know.

Since he is in control, I do not have to worry.

Secondly, God who is willing to give his Son up for me loves me more than anyone else can love me.

Since he is in control, I do not have to worry.

Thirdly, God who cured me of my worst possible disease, which is sin, through Christ Jesus, is able to cure me of any other disease.

Since he is in control, I do not have to worry.

Lastly, even if God allowed the worst possible scenario to occur, I know that this life is not all that is, in Christ I have everything from now to eternity, and nothing can change that. Therefore, God is still in control, I do not have to worry.”

I transcribed his full testimony which you can read here. Alternatively, you can download the audio file here. It’s just a short 5 mins, so have a listen! (I did get his permission first before posting this!)

Indeed, God is in control of our lives. I do not have to worry. Amen to that.

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